• Gap Years, although much more common in England, Europe, and Australia, are starting to gain ground in the United States as well. Traditionally thought of as a “time off,” we at The Intentional Gap prefer to think of them as a “time on.” Time on to pursue things that you’ve always been curious about. Time on to learn a new language, meet new people, experience new cultures, and challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone. Traditionally taken between one’s graduation from high school and start of college, a Gap Year can be taken any time in your life. It’s never too late to learn something new!

  • As Joseph O’Shea so perfectly states: “The challenges of our time demand an educational system that can help young people become citizens of the world.” There will likely be no other time in your life when you can so easily take the time to explore, learn, and grow without the obligations of a career, family, job, and mortgage or rent. In a 2020 study conducted by the Gap Year Association, 98% of Gap Year returnees stated that they felt taking a Gap Year made them more mature and confident, and 84% stated that they felt more academically motivated upon return. If you feel like you would benefit from shaking things up a bit, then a Gap Year is for you!

  • It is not hyperbole to say that there are as many options for a Gap Year as there are people taking them. Want to improve your Spanish? Why not volunteer in an after school program in Peru? Interested in marine biology? Why not work with a group in Fiji monitoring sea turtles and earn your PADI certificate? Want to experience Australian culture on the cheap? Why not work on organic farms there in exchange for room and board? If you can dream it, we can help you make it at Gap Year.

  • Gap Year consultants are uniquely positioned to create Gap Year plans that are just right for you. Their extensive knowledge and relationships help you know what’s really going on behind the scenes. At The Intentional Gap, we work with intention and integrity to find programs that are community-led, and follow the principals of Fair Trade Learning. Most people don’t have time to sort through the thousands of Gap Year offerings to find the one that’s just right for them, but Gap Year consultants take time to get to know you and your passions to make sure that you have the best experience possible.

  • Gap Years are flexible; that’s part of their beauty. Most Gap Years, however, last between 3-6 months. Some of the more structured programs have specific start and stop dates, but most Gap Year options have much more open scheduling.

  • We follow the Fair Trade Learning philosophy here at The Intentional Gap, Fair Trade Learning. Programs and projects are carefully vetted to ensure that they are valuable, and community-led, where gappers work alongside, and learn from locals leading the projects.

It’s Gap Year Fair Time Again!
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

It’s Gap Year Fair Time Again!

The annual USA Gap Year Fair schedule kicked off recently in Philadelphia.  Produced in partnership with Go Overseas, the 2025 schedule includes stops in twenty cities along with three virtual events.  

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Anniversary Reflections
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

Anniversary Reflections

Happy birthday to me! It is exciting to celebrate the one-year anniversary of The Intentional Gap. Reflecting on this past year, here are my top 5 take-aways…

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Preparing for College with a Gap Year
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

Preparing for College with a Gap Year

While many students head directly to college after graduating from high school, a smaller cohort chooses an alternative: a gap year.

What may have previously been seen as an unconventional path has become more accepted in recent years, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Program Spotlight: Farming on Maui
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

Program Spotlight: Farming on Maui

The variety in gap year opportunities can be overwhelming. On a recent trip to Maui, Hawaii that included two site visits, I had the opportunity to see two very different programs in action. Both programs were located on farms in the hills leading up to Haleakala volcano.

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Gap Year Fairs are Over; Now What?
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

Gap Year Fairs are Over; Now What?

The USA Gap Year Fairs, hosted by Go Overseas, have wrapped up their in-person events, and what fantastic events they were! Visiting over 30 cities in just over six weeks, the Gap Year Fairs from coast to coast were jam packed with valuable information from gap year program providers, students and consultants.

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Gap Year Fairs Are Back!
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

Gap Year Fairs Are Back!

The annual USA Gap Year Fair schedule kicked off recently in Chicago with a return to in-person events.

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Program Spotlight: SCUBA, Sharks, Beaches & Turtles
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

Program Spotlight: SCUBA, Sharks, Beaches & Turtles

Last month, I had the honor of visiting the Gili Shark Conservation group on the beautiful island of Gili Air, Indonesia. Although Gili Air is definitely not the easiest place to access, its remote location makes it an absolutely incredible spot for a gap year experience in marine biology and conservation.

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The 10 Best Gap Year Destinations for 2023
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

The 10 Best Gap Year Destinations for 2023

Are you looking to take a meaningful gap year abroad? Here are the best destinations for 2023 to gain knowledge, and skills, further your career, and even learn a new language!

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What Is A Gap Year And Should You Take One?
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

What Is A Gap Year And Should You Take One?

If you’re graduating from high school this year but don’t feel like now is the right time to start college, you’re part of a growing trend. The Higher Education Research Institute reported that approximately 3% of all high school graduates take a year off from school before attending college, based on a 2018 survey.

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Top 35 Colleges That Support A Gap Year
Erica Vaughn Erica Vaughn

Top 35 Colleges That Support A Gap Year

Thinking about gap year programs after high school? What used to be considered a luxury – a whole year off to “find yourself” or “see the world”? – is becoming more and more common, especially as students begin to question whether college is really worth it for them.

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